Our Research Fellow Carmen's lasted publication has been reported by UCL NEWS. Read the full news article:[Lincoln and Hull among UK’s traffic collision hotspots](https://ucl.ac.uk/news/2021/sep/lincoln-and-hull-among-uks-traffic-collision-hotspots-0) | UCL News - UCL – University College London

Full PlosOne paper can be found here: Urban population size and road traffic collisions in Europe

Quotations from the news report:

“PhD student Carmen Cabrera Arnau (UCL Mathematics), lead author of the study, said: “Our study shows there is remarkably high variability in traffic collision rates in towns in the UK and Europe. Our results can help policymakers identify the priority areas for reducing traffic collisions and highlight the regions that are below the national standard for road safety and therefore should be included in the government’s levelling up strategies.

“The surprisingly high collision rates in port areas need to be investigated further. The presence of more heavy goods vehicles may be a factor, contributing towards more traffic congestion.”

In the paper, the researchers aimed to investigate how the population size of towns and cities affected the number of traffic collisions. They found that the number of collisions increased in line with population size – that is, collisions stayed largely at the same rate per 100,000 population as urban areas got bigger.”